Indian Trail, NC
Indian Trail, NC
(704) 313-9787
When you visit our drug rehab center in Indian Trail, North Carolina, you are a recovery centers dedicated to helping people like yourself get on the road to recovery. We have been able to successfully help many individuals by focusing on supervised rehab, creating a safe and clean environment for recovery, providing a community committed to our client’s care and recovery, and addressing dual diagnosis conditions.
Understanding the Importance of Supervised Detox
The importance of supervised detox cannot be understated. Detoxification is the process wherein your body purges itself of the substance from which you are trying to break free. Detox is an essential part of undergoing treatment at any addiction treatment center. That being said, detox and the subsequent withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to deal with.
As your body is purging itself of damaging chemicals, it is also restructuring the way it functions. Your body is learning to work without depending on these damaging chemicals. At the same time, your body is creating mental, emotional, and physical cravings because it feels it needs the substance you’re trying to break free from in order to function properly. As your body reacts to all of the changes it goes through, you may experience the symptoms of withdrawal.
For many people, trying to go through the detox process on their may lead to failure. The cravings, the withdrawal, and the emotional dependency on the substance they are breaking free from becomes too much, and they eventually relapse. That’s why at our Indian Trail, North Carolina addiction recovery facility, we will supervise you through every step of your detox. You will have trained individuals with you who will provide the emotional and physical support you need to make it through detox. In the safe and clean environment of our drug rehab clinic, you will be free from the temptations and the stresses that might otherwise cause you to relapse.
Make no mistake about it, the detox and withdrawal process is not easy. However, it is something that you can successfully do. We can help you.
The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Dual diagnosis mental health treatment is designed to address any possible co-occurring disorders. According to a report that was published by the Journal of the More than half of those with addictions are also struggling with a co-occurring disorder. This emphasizes how important dual diagnosis mental health treatment is when visiting our Indian Trail, North Carolina substance abuse treatment facility.
At our Indiana Trail, North Carolina addiction recovery center, we are proud to offer a well-rounded program that provides structured support. Our goal is to help you progress through the rehabilitation process. We have created support groups, educational groups, family counseling, and one-on-one counseling programs all designed to address the addiction, as well as the emotional and mental health issues it can create.
When you visit our Indiana Trail, North Carolina addiction treatment clinic, you will find a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment. You will find staff members who are committed to your care and recovery. We don’t treat you like you’re just another one of our clients. We provide you with individualized care. We know that you want to break free from the bonds of addiction here at Arbor Recovery. Let us work with you to make that a reality.